Meet Me At The Rainbow Bridge - Cat Painting

by Dora Hathazi Mendes
Original - Sold
Not Specified
26.000 x 37.000 cm.
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Meet Me At The Rainbow Bridge - Cat Painting
Dora Hathazi Mendes
Painting - Ecoline On Watercolour Paper
Meet Me At The Rainbow Bridge is the title of this special commissioned painting about six beloved fur babies, for which I was asked by a dear artist friend, the Fine Art Photographer, and Visual Storyteller Dorothy Berry-Lound.
The colorful Ecoline painting remembering six cats, all with different character and personality, and with unique stories on their own.
The inseparable tabby sisters, the loud and demanding, long haired Kimberly, who was always asking for attention, and Juju the quiet one from the duo, who developed phantom pregnancy, after the loss of her best friend.
Thomas, a ginger troublemaker, he boss of the clan, who had fetish urinating wherever he wished, and his attitude nearly killed him marking his territory on lit up Christmas tree.
Penny the tuxedo from the group, who was a sweet little cat. and was given a second chance and a new life, being rescued from a neighbourhood, where she was the target, and got shot by a cat hater.
Maximilian the ginger cat thief, who loved to stare hours at the garden pond, or spend hours with bat hunting.
And finally, the big lovable, and partially deaf Jimmy, who once fell in love with a Chihuahua.
You can find out more, and read about their lovely stories written by Dorothy at https://www.shannathshima.me.uk/artblog/
Thank you for your custom order, it was my pleasure to paint about them!
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- ImagesThat Excites You
- Animal Painting
- Our 4 Legged Friends
- Painted Cats
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- Women Painters
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- FAA Portraits Cats
- Domesticated Cats
- Cats are Lovable
May 13th, 2018