Braganca Medieval Town in Portugal
by Dora Hathazi Mendes
Buy the Original Painting
38.000 x 28.000 cm.
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Braganca Medieval Town in Portugal
Dora Hathazi Mendes
Painting - Watercolor Painting On Paper
A painting about the beautiful town of Bragança (in English Braganza or Braganca) , a medieval hidden treasure in Tras-os-Montes the extreme North East of Portugal, literally "Behind the Mountains", a place which could preserve its medieval charm between its walls.
The Town stands on a plateau only few kilometres from the Spanish border, where you can experience a time travelling with ancient stone houses, a castle which still stand date from the 12th century.
Paintings from Portugal by Dora Hathazi Mendes. Original painting and Fine Art Print available with worldwide shipping.
Thank you very much for supporting my art! Dora
August 5th, 2020